Bucks-Composites materials has been used for moulding the fuselage and covering the wings, ailerons, tail & fin. This glider is awesome to fly!
The RAF Valley Hawk is scratch built and the Bucks-Composites materials system was used to finish the Hawk.
The Dart glider has the Bucks-Composites materials system used to cover the wings and V-tail.
Here is a photo of my machine on which I have used your glass and epoxy systems. The photo is of my Olympia 463 to 1:3.5 scale.
Glider is fully glassed using Bucks-Composites materials system. The glider is scrach built and fly's very well.
Here is my Pat Teakle Vega glider, the Vega 4 metre wings, tail & rudder are covered with Bucks-Composites materials Super lightweight glass fibre cloth and epox